About LED Light Therapy
LED light therapy is a non-invasive aesthetic procedure that works at a cellular level (especially great for fighting active acne and rosacea). The soothing, deep penetrating LED lights target deep cells heightening their internal functions, photo-stimulating dermal blood flow and creating faster healing so the skin rejuvenates. New LED Light Therapy System Zemits EstiLED does not contain ultraviolet rays; therefore, it is safe for regular use for all skin colours and types.
Zemits EstiLED doesn't cause burns compared to other anti-ageing treatments such as chemical peels, dermabrasion, and laser therapy.
It has 6 different wavelengths of light to treat various skin conditions and can be used for face, scalp and body treatments by adjusting the head flap.
Blue light in this wavelength range has proven to have potent bacteria-fighting properties. Moreover, this light, especially adequate for mild to moderate acne conditions, can kill Р. acnes, one of the primary acne-causing bacteria.