⭐️ Rejuvenating serum based on a complex of peptides for a highly effective anti-ageing electroporation procedure ⭐️ Ideal consistency and pleasant neutral scent for comfortable use ⭐️ Economical use: only 2-2.5 ml of serum is needed for one procedure ⭐️ Contains active ingredients for rejuvenation, deep hydration, and skin regeneration
Extremely rich composition for stunning results Advantages of Zemits PeptiElixir:
Intensive hydration: Provides deep and long-lasting skin hydration.
Rejuvenation and recovery: The peptide complex stimulates collagen production, improving skin texture and elasticity.
Reduction of wrinkles and pigmentation: Peptides and niacinamide help reduce wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of ageing.
Antioxidant protection: Plant extracts and gold protect the skin from free radicals, preventing premature ageing.
Rich composition: Zemits PeptiElixir provides maximum nourishment and skincare from the very first procedures.